By Walter Arrighetti, Federico Pierotti and Alessandro Rizzi In collaboration with:
Gruppo del Colore – Associazione Italiana Colore
Dottorato in Storia delle Arti e dello Spettacolo (Università di Firenze,Pisa e Siena)
Fondazione Sistema Toscana – Mediateca Regionale
September 18, 2013
University of Florence, Santa Verdiana building
Piazza Lorenzo Ghiberti 27, Florence
The workshop aims to facilitate interactions and debate between academic and professional players in the media and motion picture industries, as related to the common theme of colour. Chroma is born from the idea that the colour images in media and cinema need solid interdisciplinary foundations, tackling with both historical declinations as well as the ever increasing scientific and technological aspects.
From its very inception, cinema and modern media history was bound to colour production and reproduction techniques: from the hand-tinting of early photographs and films, up to current digital grading systems, a film’s colour ‘look’ never fails to be the key element for both field professionals and spectators to be focusing on.
Development of technologies for colour correction and management with increasing degrees of digital control –which is topic to some of the workshop talks– is driving a new wave of colour’s expressive potential, allowing cinematographers to carve the light out of single details from each video frame, just alike some colouration techniques of early cinema.
Innovation brings new issues related to the technologies running behind the scenes which have been influencing the motion picture industry for a quite while: from on-set shooting methodologies, to post-production infrastructures and colour pipelines, up to theatrical distribution formats.
Besides, colour is now becoming more of a frequent topic in international film and media studies’ debates as witnessed on several, recent international congresses and by the higher number of books and papers devoted to the subject.
Within this framework, Chroma is going to showcase a variegated roster of contributions on history, language and technology of colour. Theoretical and practical discussions will be encouraged, about colour in both contemporary and early moving pictures.
18.30 Santa Verdiana building
A Trip to the Moon
(G. Méliès, 1902)
Restored version by Lobster Films, Groupama Gan Foundation for Cinema and Technicolor Foundation for Cinema Heritage
19.30 Teatro del Sale association
Our Memories' Colour
Dinner with screening of
amateur films (1930-1960)